Namespace aliuly\common
aliuly\common\selectors |
ArmorItems | Armor related values |
BasicCli | Implements Basic CLI common functionality. It is useful for plugins that implement multiple commands or sub-commands |
BasicHelp | Implements simple help functionality for sub-commands |
BasicPlugin | Simple extension to the PocketMine PluginBase class |
ChatSession | Chat Sessions |
Cmd | Utility class to execute commands|chat's as player or console |
CmdSelector | Implements Minecraft Command selectors. See Command Prefixes for more info. |
ExpandVars | Common variable expansion. You can use this for custom messages and/or custom commands. |
FastTransfer | Fast Transfer related functions |
FileUtils | File Utilities |
FreezeSession | Frozen Player sessions |
GetMotd | Get MOTD style data from Minecraft PE servers |
GetMotdAsyncTask | A shortcut for getting motd data in the background. |
InvisibleSession | Invisible Player sessions |
InvUtils | Inventory related utilities |
ItemName | ItemName database |
mc | Simple translation class in the style of gettext. |
mc2 | Very PocketMine-MP specific extension to the mc package |
MoneyAPI | This class allows you to use a number of miscellaneous Economy plugins. |
MPMU | My PocketMine Utils class |
Npc | This class implements an NPC player |
PermUtils | Simple class encapsulating some Permission related utilities |
PluginAsyncTask | A shortcut for AsyncTask |
PluginCallbackTask | Simple plugin callbacks. |
PMScript | Class that implements a PocketMine-MP scripting engine |
QueryAsyncTask | A shortcut for doing a Query in the background. |
Rcon | This class implements a basic RCON client. |
RconTask | Rcon implementation as an async task... |
Session | Basic Session Manager functionality |
ShieldSession | Shielded Player sessions |
ShoppingCart | Implements ShoppingCart iterations |
SignUtils | Routines for manipulating signs |
SkinUtils | Routines for manipulating skins |
SpySession | Spying/logging session |
SubCommandMap | Sub Command dispatcher |
TPUtils | Telepoert Utilities |